Thursday 10 November 2022

Walking Toronto streets - Broadview Avenue

This walk starts at the north end of Broadview Avenue (which runs from O'Connor Drive down to Eastern Avenue) and heads south. It roughly follows the Don Valley Parkway and has some great views of the downtown across the valley in places. Click on any picture to see a big version! Also part of this map.

As shown in my O'Connor Drive walk, at the far north end of Broadview (and far west end of O'Connor) is the amazing Sisters of St Joseph aged care building.

A little further south (this picture looking north on Broadview at Pottery Road) is a DQ (left) that has been there 'forever', with a newish condo - the MintoSkyy - behind it. Pottery Road drops down into the Don Valley at left.

Another couple of blocks south and just behind the Estonian House frontage is the old (1891) Chester Public School (this is the south wall below, showing the original building). A new development will add condos and remove the addition on the east side (Broadview) revealing more of the original building.

This is what the front looks like now. Previous picture was taken from the alley at left. I didn't know that "Numerous Estonian Houses were set up after the Soviet occupation of Estonia led to tens of thousands of Estonian people fleeing the war and the occupation and settling overseas."

Broadview Subway Station just north of Danforth.

Looking SE at Danforth and Broadview. See also some pictures of this intersection - including historical pictures - on my Bloor/Danforth post.

I've seen many of these wooden 'kits' to build patios on the street.

The Loblaws and a big parking lot about a block south of Danforth. Proposed 35 story condo development for this site.

Montcrest School - incorporating a number of mansions on the west side of Broadview. One of them (660 Broadview, to the right of this picture) was the home of William Peyton Hubbard, the first Toronto City councilor of African descent who was elected in 1894 and again thereafter many times.

Just down the hill from Broadview, the Riverdale rink and pool in background.

Nice view of downtown from Broadview Avenue.

Ukrainian Eucharistic Church at Broadview and Bain.

Can't forget the 'Rooster Coffee House'!

St. Matthew's Lawn Bowling Clubhouse - built in 1906 but moved here (from about a block south where Bridgepoint Hospital is now) in 2009.

The old Don Jail and the new Bridgepoint Hospital buildings just north of Gerrard and west of Broadview. All part of one complex. Nick worked at Bridgepoint one summer.

St. John's Presbyterian Church - on the east side of Broadview and soon to be condos. You probably can't read the detail on the sign at the lower right, but that's a very common looking sign around Toronto!

Riverdale Public Library at the corner of Broadview and Gerrard.

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes building! (Possibly a direct link to The Flintstones' Royal Order of Water Buffaloes, which I'm guessing is the first thing you thought of when you read the above 😀)

'The Royals' (Royal Canadian Curling Club) on Broadview just north of Queen.

Broadview Hotel at Broadview and Queen. Looking SW from Broadview. Great view from the rooftop!

Colourful alley just north of Queen Street east of Broadview.

Boarded up houses (about 10 in a row) so we know what's coming here - condos. But only an 8 story building proposed so far. Broadview Avenue just north of Eastern Avenue, which marks the southern end of Broadview Avenue.


  1. "Buff Club" should be a fitness facility

  2. Great pics as always. You forgot to mention that there's a wonderful patio on top of the Broadview Hotel, and we've been there a few times.
