Tuesday 17 December 2019


Given that an earlier post was about our Tulip Tree, I thought that I'd follow-up with a post on our tulips.  'Canada 150' tulips that is!

These are tulips that were developed for Canada's 150th anniversary (wikipedia's article here). They look a bit like the Canadian flag, but see for yourself. We found that they come up a bit later than other tulips, and were quite yellow at first but then became whiter with the red highlights.

Not yet opened

Early flower - top

Early flower - side

A couple of weeks later it had changed quite a bit!

And finally, filled in a little more with the 'Canadian Flag'

Monday 16 December 2019

Old and New Toronto - walkway from Eaton's Centre to The Bay

(Formerly the walkway to Simpsons of course)

When I saw the new walkway being constructed - on James St (see also further below) - I thought I'd take a photo of the old and the new and track down something from when it was first built.

The last part was pretty easy - with a thank you to the Toronto Public Library!

See the story here.

And here's what it looked like inside (once it was completed). Looking South from the Eaton's Centre just before it was replaced.

The new walkway looks a little different. As noted it was actually partly constructed on James St, just N of Queen. This is a shot looking down onto James St with the walkway under construction. Old city hall in the background of course.

It now has a cool 'twisted' look. Here's the view from inside (again  looking South from Eaton's Centre)

And from the side a bit